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Phil Osborn's Articles for April 5, 2017
April 5, 2017 by Phil Osborn
(170812)  Yesterday spent at work correcting product listings on the website.  Some 40 entries, three of which were corrupted, yielding nonsense on the front end, and blank data entry forms on the back end.  This followed several months now of correcting links to the newest version manuals, doing a poor job because of conflicting source material.  The company hardly has any real web presence any more, as measured by Google's keyword page return.  Two years ago, they ...
April 5, 2017 by Phil Osborn
There's a lot of mystical, teary-eyed attachment, especially among my fellow libertarians, to the idea of a hard backing such as gold for the dollar.  The reality is simple supply and demand.  People need dollars to pay their taxes.  There is effectively no substitute.  Mortgages and other financial instruments in the U.S. are also tied to the dollar and there is no sign that somehow bitcoin or any other replacement - including gold - is immediately av...