What is important. What is real. What you need to know to survive the 21st Century. How to live a million years and want more.
Is anybody listening?
Published on June 14, 2006 By Phil Osborn In Blog Communities
Oh joy:

Now, even though I can't get to half of my own articles, guess what? I CAN get to other people's articles, which are now showing up as mine, and apparently edit them, as the edit feature is not ghosted or anything. 7/5/06

The up side is that whatever goofs you may have made, admitting to strange sexual habits, threatening the executive branch, mentioning your mistress's name, NOW you have someone else to BLAME! Hey, I can take it. I get blamed for everything anyway.

(two week before the above) O'well, that was short-lived.... I still can't get to many of my major articles, meaning that noone else can either, I presume...

I've sent several emails to joeuser@stardock.com now, describing the problem, which is that only the first page of my articles is now accessible. If I try to go to the "next" articles or access my index, I invariably get an error page. Is this only happening to me, or is there something bigger here?

I just discovered that I can get to some of my articles via the more option of "Top Articles," etc., but several of the major ones that I'm really proud of are still simply inaccessible, except via a google search.

on Jun 15, 2006
Try posting your request here. Link