What is important. What is real. What you need to know to survive the 21st Century. How to live a million years and want more.
Phil Osborn's Articles In War on Terror
June 6, 2005 by Phil Osborn
From here in the very center of the OC - Santa Ana, the youngest big city in the U.S., also the most Hispanic, also one of the poorest and with the worst educational record in the OC, the worst business climate (due to the elite running city hall) and a long-standing rep for thugish cops. Some of the kids are starting to wake up. A few months back, they decided to join the nationwide "Protest Against Police Brutality" and march on the Santa Ana Police Station. They were not polite. In f...
December 19, 2009 by Phil Osborn
Police Brutality   Incidents I have witnessed re police abuse:   Preface: I'm 61 years old, and have been involved in one kind or another of radical politics since around 1966.   During the period from 1974 to 1981, I was arrested three times in conjunction with political activities and spent three nights in jail.   Well before those incidents, in the ‘60’s, while getting my physics degree, I used to use amphetamines to get thru finals, as I w...
October 5, 2010 by Phil Osborn
When we see someone investing huge amounts of energy in pursuit of ephemeral or fantasy goals that have no connection with the real world, we generally conclude that that person is "neurotic."  In fact, that's nearly a definition of neurosis, the stupid expediture of real resources in the pursuit of symbolic values. Economists have, of course, also covered this ground.  Like the person who walks three blocks to save 50 cents on a hamburger on sale, while ignoring the chance to save&...