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Phil Osborn's Articles In The Media
August 15, 2010 by Phil Osborn
One of the problems with net neutrality is that the hogs rule.  Whether it's bandwidth or artificially cheap bread in the Soviet Union, where people would sell their places in line or hire themselves out as line-sitters and then load up wheelbarrows full of bread priced way below cost to feed their hogs or make kitchen vodka, "free lunches" generate lines that ultimately offset the near-zero price with a new access cost, generally about what the "free lunch" would have cost originally up fr...
June 29, 2015 by Phil Osborn
11/14/2015  As a reward for all my good work - I have to assume - I now have 2 (TWO) separately numbered ballots for the KPFK election of the Local Station Board.  Or, it could be a test of my honesty, so I better play it straight. Or, it might be entrapment, as this election cycle resulted from some intense legal action, I've heard, involving, I think, Federal Judges, WHO are not likely to be amused at seeing all their work to provide a fair election subverted.  One ba...